Thursday, February 5, 2009

This Baby Needs Help

This afternoon I looked out the window and noticed Chickie having a bit of a scuffle with a crow. She is quite a good little guard chicken and doesnt like intruders in the yard. I went up to check it out because she was really getting angry and chasing the poor crow, and it wasnt flying away. Well, I had to catch my breath when I saw it. At first I thought it had something stuck on its face but then I saw that its beak was deformed and twisted. And its only a baby, maybe about 4 weeks old I think. The mother bird hung around for a bit and then she left. I kept an eye on the little one until it started to get dark and then put it in a cage. I couldnt just leave it out for the cats. It did eat some bread dipped in water from my hand and I gave it a bit of water from a syringe, but now I'm not sure what I should do. I know if I take it to the RSPCA, they will put it to sleep. It seems really healthy apart from the deformity so is obviously doing ok while being fed by the parents, but I dont know how it will do on its own. I really hate the thought of it having to die after getting this far. I really wish I knew what to do...

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