As it always does, Christmas day seemed to come up way too fast. There were so many things that I had planned to do in the lead up to the big day that never happend, but in the end, it didn't really matter. We had a great day!
On Christmas Eve, the kids dad came up to stay the night, along with his little puppy who peed all around the house. But he was so cute that we all forgave him. The kids were in bed by 10, but not before they left out a special snack for Santa!

I was pretty impressed by the earlier than ususal xmas eve bedtime this year, but Em was up at 4am, ready to open presents! She dragged me out of bed to show me all the pressies under the tree, and off to the side there was a desk and 'spinny chair' with her name on, with a cute little fish in a pink topped tank, just for her. (oops, forgot to get a piccie of those!)
After she showed me the stocking hanging on her door, stuffed full of goodies, I managed to convince her to lay down for a little while longer, and not to wake Jack up just yet. So I staggered back to bed for a little while, but before long, both kids were up, and ready for Christmas morning to begin!

Hmmm...I tried to get my usual Christmas morning photo of the kids in front of the tree, but they were too busy singing and swaying in time, for me to get a decent pic, so this is it!

Then it was time to rip into those pressies! Jack was thrilled to finally get a Wii, the look on his face says it all :)

And Em was so excited to get the Powerwing that she had wanted sooo badly :)

And that's where I put my camera down this year, for Christmas morning at least. I just wanted to enjoy the kids opening their pressies, instead of watching it all through the camera lens. And it was awesome, and over so fast. Jack of course was pretty happy with his Wii, and he got 5 games for it as well, including the Skylander game that he REALLY wanted. He got a couple of big legos too, and some DS games, some board games, ds accesories, touch screen MP3 thingy, water pistol, and some other stuff that I can't remember. And that was just from mummy and Santa.
Em was thrilled to bits with her desk, her little fighting fish, which has been named Santa Fish (the kids are not sure how Santa transported him from the North Pole, but they were pretty impressed), her powerwing of course, a TONNE of art and craft supplies, DS game, a couple of Barbies (she got 5 new Barbies all up this xmas, they are taking over the house!!) Hmmm...what else was under the tree...a touchscreen MP3 thing, board games, hula hoop, pin board for her 'art'. I should really have taken a photo of it all like I usually do!
A bit later on, Em had to try out her new scooter...

And then it was time for the kids to open their pressies from Poppy and Gek.

Portable Dvd players and DS games for both of them, as well as more Barbie stuff for Em, and clothes and shoes and I can't remember what else. Lots of stuff!
And lookie what I got from my gorgeous mum and dad...

OMG, I have never been so excited in my life!!! My first DSLR camera! I think I nearly died of shock when they gave it to me. Best present EVER!!
So in the afternoon, my little brother and his family came over, and there were MORE presents, and lots of time to just hang out together :)

Mum saved this pressie for all the grandkids for last. 3 monkeys for the 3 little monkeys...

The kids were so happy to have their cousin sleep over for 2 nights, and on Christmas night, the girls didn't go to sleep until 1am! It was such a great Christmas, the kids say it was the best Christmas EVER (they say that every year though), I think I have to agree though, I loved every second of it, but at the same time, I'm glad it's over for another year :)
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too :) I am looking forward to getting my house back to normal now, and seeing as the kids have gone to spend a couple of days with their dad, I'm hoping to get some scrapping done too!