Last Sunday we had planned to go to Southbank with Katrina, Callum and Abbey. By the time we were about to go the sky came over really dark and it started pouring rain.I quickly got the guinea pigs and Chickie up on the patio and covered them over. Then the hail started. I've never seen anything like it! It came down so thick and fast that the kids asked if it was snowing! The wind was really strong and was blowing the rain sideways and the poor car copped a real beating with the hail. When it eased up a little bit I went out on the patio to check the animals, and the poor guinea pigs were actually swimming. Little Pinkeye actually swam across his cage and leapt up onto the bars at the side and clung on with all fours. Poor Hammie was doing his best to keep his head above water. Chickie was doing a little bit better. At least she has long legs and could stand up but the water was all the way up her legs. I grabbed all three of them and brought them in and towelled them off. The guineas got put in the bath tub and Chickie stayed in there too.
The kids thought the storm was exciting and couldn't wait to get outside. When it was over the four of them were out there collecting hail and making castles with it. Then they got the climbing frame and slide and made a long water slide thing. They didnt get their swim at Southbank but they sure had a fun afternoon in the backyard. Later on we all went to get take away for dinner but our local shop had no power and the second place had part of the roof ripped off. We got lucky at the third place we went to though so the kids finally got dinner. On the way there were heaps of big fallen trees and the dog park was all under water. Later on the radio I heard that it was the worst storm in 25 years. I'm so glad we werent half way to Southbank when that one hit!
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