Because her birthday is so close to Easter this year, Em wanted EVERYTHING to be "Eastery". So the birthday cupcakes for school HAD to be topped with little chocolate bunnies :)
Luckily we woke up to perfect party weather on Saturday, and even though the party wasn't til 2, it was still a mad rush to get everything ready in time. I spent the morning making party yummys, and cutting up cardstock to make Easter bunny baskets (because my cricut mat decided to become unsticky, and I couldn't cut ANYTHING on it!) Before we knew it our little guests were knocking on the door, and it was on!
I only took about 10 photos during the whole party, it was just so full on. So glad I got a quick group shot in before we started playing games. The whole theme of the party was 'An egg hunt with a twist', and the twist was, that they had to follow a heap of clues and challenges. After following a clue out to the letterbox, the girls found 2 spoons, and 2 plastic eggs...yep, you guessed egg and spoon race! Look how far we made them go, lol!...
Almost down to the end of our street. Unfortunately Em's team didn't win, and she sulked for the next half hour or so while I entertained her friends. I couldn't believe it! But that's just kids, I guess. She did get over it eventually though, thank goodness! So, that was the last photo I took until it was cake time, as I was too busy keeping track of kids racing around for more clues, and stopping for 'challenges' like musical chairs and musical squares, and even a hopping race. One of the last 'challenges' was to make Easter bunny baskets. Well...I certainly overestimated their crafting abilities! It took forever for these to get put together, and everyone needed some one on one help. I guess I'm so used to Em crafting with me, that I just assumed they'd all know what to do. But we got them all made in the end, and then the hunt was on! By this time the parents were arriving to collect their kids, so while they hunted for their goodies, mum and I finally got the party food out, and quickly sang "Happy Birthday". This is the cake Em requested - chocolate cake with speckled eggs on top, thank goodness it was an easy one!
There are so many things I'd like to go back and photgraph! Em with each of her friends, the cute cupcakes and chocolate bunny pops that mum made...the list goes on. I think I'll have to get someone to come and just take photos next time, but hey, at least I got a few :) :)
Sunday was Emma's actual birthday, so she wanted a breakfast tea party with pancakes up in her playgym for brekky, with her cousin Natasha who was staying with us for the weekend. Then it was off to the movies to see Mirror, Mirror, which she absolutely LOVED. Later on it was off to dinner, where she was pretty happy to find a balloon and a birthday muffin waiting for her on our table. The perfect end to a fun birthday weekend.
Phew! So glad I got all that in writing! Now I'm all set to scrap about it :) Em has 'requested' a mini album to keep in her room about it, lol. She's been raiding my scrap room to decorate her bedroom lately, and has some things I've made stuck on her wall with blu tak (eek!), and I found this little tin...
in her room, with some of her eraser collection in it!! I love that she loves the things I make, just wish she wouldn't love it all so much!
Well, I am in the scrapping mood, so it's time for me to start this Easter long weekend by digging into my stash. Hope you have a great long weekend!
Happy Birthday Emma!!! Sounds like a great party!!
Happy Birthday to Emma!!!!!!!!!
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