So anyway, we decided to go to Aussie World, which is a little theme park on the Sunshine Coast, and the kids had an absolute ball....
First up we went on the Octopus, which was really scary. Now, Jack will NEVER go on scary rides. The first ride he wanted to go on was a baby ride, and he was told he was too big, because it was a ride for kids 1-5. A daredevil he is NOT, so I made him go on The Octopus ride even though he didn't want to. You can see how impressed he was about this...
Now it was a pretty scary ride. I think I screamed the entire time. Poor Em must have been deaf by the end of it, lol. But when Jack got off, he was like a new boy! A brave one!!! Check out the smile...!
So then he wanted to go on the rollercoaster (!!), but when we got there, it turns out it was a single person car, so I thought he might chicken out. I was prepared to have to tell them to let him out just before it took off...
I was so worried that he might be freaking out on it, because he is scared of heights and any fast ride...
But OMG!!! He was on top of the world when he got off it, and lined up again and again for more turns!!
There was lots more to do too. A super fast dark ride, that I though Jack wouldn't want to go on because he's not too keen on the dark. Admittedly, he did want to sit with me on that one, while Em sat with Jack's friend Dylan, but he ended up loving that one too, and went on again without me! We played mini golf too, and I got this photo before Jack had a melt down because he wasn't winning...
And the kids fave ride of the day - Mozzie Musta - which I only went on once cause it made me feel sick!
He said he had the "best day ever" and I was sure he'd be exhausted by the time we got home. I know I was!
But we went out to dinner with Poppy and Gek, because that was his choice too, and he was super happy when it was announced to everyone in the restaurant that it was his birthday, and everyone clapped :)
After we got home again, the kids still had plenty of energy to play tiggy outside(in the dark!), where of course, I was "it". Then the boys loaded themselves up with snacks, (which I actually let Jack take into his room!)and played video games til about 1 in the morning...
What a day! They would have stayed up later too, if I'd let them! And that wasn't Jack's only birthday celebration. The night before we had his Dad, with his girlfriend Chelsea and her daughter Briannen, over for dinner. Jack was totally spoilt by Chelsea, who got him lots of pressies, and he got $100 from his Dad...
Jack wanted pizza for dinner, and then an ice cream cake. He wont eat cake, and didn't want me to make him a cake this year, so I feel like I hardly had to do anything! I stuck 10 candles in the icecream cake though, so at least I got this photo...
And then we thought we try to get a photo of everyone, using the timer...
Hehehe...someone always has to do the bunny ears, so we thought we'd all do it this time...!
Jack had a really great night! Now, things haven't been so great between the kids and their dad in the past. It used to make me sad that they didn't really have much of a dad, who hardly ever saw them, but things are starting to change. All because of one amazing girl named Chelsea, who has given him the kick up the butt he needed :) So nice to see the kids having happy times with their Dad now!
So, as well as the money Jack got from his Dad, he got money from me and his Nanny (great grandmother) too, so after his friend went home on Sunday, we headed to the shops...
Here's Mr Moneybags, who ended up having $240 to spend...he ended up buying himself 2 big Lego's, a computer game, and a present for Emily - a zhuzhu pet with pink hair :)
And another birthday treat - lunch at Sizzler, Jack's favourite place, even though all he ever has is nuggets and chips and lots of ice cream!
Of course Gek was there too. Jack loved having me and mum to himself for the day. No fighting with Emily for all the attention because she was at home with Poppy!
And here's Jack's last and best birthday present this year, the DSI-XL from Poppy and Gek, that he has been longing for...
Emily was not impressed that it has a bigger screen than her one...!
And because I seem to have pictures of everything else, I'd better include a photo of Jack and his Granny, who came to stay the night on Thursday, and gave Jack an awesome remote control dinosaur for his birthday. And that pink box Jack is holding is full of lolly bags for his class. He told me he didn't want me to bring a cake into school, but still wanted everyone to sing "Happy Birthday", so lolly bags it was :)
Whew! I think that might be the longest post I've ever written on here! But it was good to record all Jack's birthday memories. Might help me with journalling when I go to scrap his birthday photos too!
Hope you are having a great day! I have LOTS of scrapping to share this week, so stay tuned :)
wow! What a busy week! So glad he had a great birthday..x
Happy Birthday Jack looks like you had a great day. sigh be ten again!!Glad to hear lots of family time was had !!
fab photos to be scrapped sam
Happy Birthday Jack............. wow sam cant wait to see all those pics scrapped, and seems like he had a fabulous birthday and got totally spoilt
WOW what a birthday!! Happy birthday to Jack!! Love the pics at Aussie World...look forward to seeing them scrapped! xx
What a lucky boy!!
Happy birthday to Jack! And WOW what an awesome birthday :)
Happy birthday to Jack! Sounds like he had a really fun birthday..
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