Hi everyone. As many of you know, I've been M.I.A. due to Jack being unwell. On Tuesday, I had a call from school, saying he was in the sick bay with a pain in his head. By the time I got him to the doctors, he was unable to speak, although he was trying to, and had gone all floppy. The doctors called an ambulance, and he was rushed to hospital, as it was suspected he was having a stroke. (since when do 9 year olds have strokes??) After some time he was kind of able to speak again, but couldn't answer simple questions, and didn't know who I was. We had a very scary hospital stay, (where I had to sleep on the most uncomfortable fold out bed!) but luckily tests and an MRI ruled out stroke, or any other nasties in his brain. The doctors are not quite sure what happened, but think it might be some form of migraine that has neurological symptoms, or maybe some type of seizure. He is home again now, can talk and seems fine, although his memory of the whole thing is quite hazy. He is having more tests next week, but I'm hoping this was just one of those weird, one off things that will never happen again. It was without doubt, one of the most frightening things I have ever been through, and I'm just so grateful my little man is back to his usual self.
Well, I have a tonne of things to catch up on today. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend :)